





次の各組が同じ意味になるように(  )に適語を入れなさい。ただし、1語とは限りません。

(1)She made me a nice dress.
=She made a nice dress (  ) me.

(2)You (  ) have this.
=I will give this to you.

(3)I don’t know what to say.
=I don’t know what I (  ) say.

(4)She is to meet Tom.
=She (  ) meet Tom.

(5)She seems to have been happy.
=It seems that she (  ) happy.

(6)You are old enough to get a driver’s license.
=You are so old that you (  ) get a driver’s license.

(7)Fortunately, she wasn’t injured.
=It was (  ) that she wasn’t injured.

(8)The tree needs cutting.
=The tree needs (  ) cut.

(9)I cannot see this picture (   ) thinking of my mother.
=Whenever I see this picture, I think of my mother.

(10)When I was young, I lived in Fukuoka.
=I (  ) in Fukuoka when I was young.

(11)He said, “I’ll come back tomorrow afternoon.” 
=He said that he’d come back (  ) afternoon.

(12)This bus will take you to the museum
=(  ) you take this bus, you’ll get to the museum.

(13)I am happy to hear of your safe return.
=I am happy to hear that you returned (  ).

(14)He has three sons, who are (   ).
=He has three sons and they are doctors.

(15)What he told you is important.
=(  ) which he told you is important.

(16)Put those flowers (  ) we can see them well.
=Put those flowers at any place where we can see them well.



第4文型 (SVOO)の文を第3文型(SVO)に書き換えるとき、動詞によって前置詞が異なる。
・S+V+O+to+人…give, lend, teach, tell, etc. (注)この形が一番多い。
・S+V+O+for+人…buy, get, make, leave, find, etc.




疑問詞+to ~(何を、どこへ、いつ、~すべきか)と訳します。
I don’t know what to say.(私はなんと言っていいかわからなかった。)


形容詞的用法の応用で、be to 不定詞を見たら、will, must, should, canなどの助動詞に置き換えてみると大抵の場合、和訳できます。
She is to meet Tom. (彼女はトムに会うことになっている。)

(5)was(または、has been )

to do とは違って、to have p.p. は、述語動詞より1つ古い「時」を表します。述語動詞が現在形なら、現在完了形になる場合もあります。
She seems to have been happy. (彼女は幸せだったように思える。)
= It seems that she was happy.(彼女は幸せだったように思える。)
= It seems that she has been happy. (彼女はずっと幸せであるように思える。)


~enough to …「…するのに十分なだけ~(程度)」 「十分~ なので…できる(結果)」
You are old enough to get a driver’s license. (君は運転免許証をとれる年頃だ。)
=You are so old that you can get a driver’s license.
=You are so old as to get a driver’s license.


Fortunately, she wasn’t injured.(幸いなことに、彼女は怪我をしていませんでした。)
= It was fortunate that she wasn’t injured.

(8)to be

「need~ing」,「want~ing」は、主語と~ing が受動関係にあります。(「主語が~ される」という関係です。)
The tree needs cutting. (その木は切る必要がある。)
=The tree needs to be cut.


I cannot see this picture without thinking of my mother.(私は、母のことを考えずにこの絵を見ることができません。)
=Whenever I see this picture, I think of my mother.(私は、この写真を見るたびに、母のことを思い出します。)


When I was young, I lived in Fukuoka.
=I lived in Fukuoka when I was young.

(11)the next

He said, “I’ll come back tomorrow afternoon.” 
→ He said that he’d come back the next afternoon.

this(these) → that(those)
now → then
today → that day
yesterday → the previous day
the day before, tomorrow → the next [following] day
next week → the next [following) week
last night → the previous night / the night before
~ ago → ~ before
here → there


無生物主語構文の無生物主語は意味の上では副詞句(節)の働きをしているので、和訳するとき には副詞的に訳し,目的語の人を主語にして訳すと自然な日本語になる場合が多い。




He has three sons, who are doctor. (彼には3人の息子がいる。そして彼らは医者だ。)
=He has three sons and they are doctors.
He has three sons who are doctor.(彼には医者である3人の息子がいる。)

(15)The thing

「The thing which = What」「all the ~,any ~ (~する全ての、どんな~でも)=関係形容詞 what+名詞」と置き換えることで、それ自体が先行詞のはたらきをかねています。したがって、whatは名詞節をつくります。what節は、主語、目的語、補語、前置詞の目的語になれます。

【主語】What he told you is important.
=The thing which he told you is important.(彼があなたに言った事は重要だ。)


副詞節を導く複合関係副詞whereverは、「~するところならどこへでも」の意味で、副詞節を導く用法。辞書では接続詞として扱われることもある。anyを使って書き換えられる。ただし、whereverは、動詞に対応して前置詞はat,in,toなど+any place whereにする。

Put those flowers wherever we can see them well.(その花は、よく見えるところならどこにでも置いて下さい)
= Put those flowers at any place where we can see them well.


